In their Savane Collection, Les Ateliers Brizepierre is inspired by nature's majesty to craft unique pieces. Each creation harmoniously blends solid wood's strength with the elegance of precious materials, reflecting the African savanna's spirit. Every item, whether decorative or custom furniture, tells a captivating story, merging wood's natural beauty with rich, inlaid materials. These creations become true interior jewels, bringing a touch of nature and art into living spaces.
« Parures sur les routes de la SAVANE,
Morceaux de l’Afrique dénués de son folklore,
La Crau, vestige des steppes sèches,
Se répand, se revêt pour ma destination que sont le palmier, l’os et la corne.
Mon tronc, mon arbre, ma sève, un décor, une atmosphère onirique
Et ton ébène y est chèrement ajouté. »
“Adornments on the roads of the SAVANNA,
Pieces of Africa, stripped of its folklore,
The Crau, a relic of dry steppes,
Spreads out, dresses for my destination: the palm, the bone, and the horn.
My trunk, my tree, my sap, a decor, a dreamlike atmosphere
And your ebony is dearly added.”